Welcome to the BGE!

Welcome to the homepage of the BGE, the federal company for radioactive waste disposal. On our website we publish our latest press releases and inform interested citizens and stakeholders about our operational tasks. Following evolving scientific methods for the selection the BGE is searching for the location of a repository for high-level radioactive waste, that will guarantee the best possible safety for one million years. Furthermore, the BGE operates the Konrad and Morsleben Final Repositories for low- and intermediate-level radioactive waste. The retrieval of radioactive waste and shut-down of the Asse II Mine plus the shut-down of Gorleben Mine complete the tasks of the BGE.

Press releases

Press releases and announcements about our projects Repository search, Asse, Konrad and Morsleben.


We are regularly looking for qualified specialists and trainees. You can find our current vacancies on our German site.
