Konrad information centre
The Konrad information centre is the BGE’s information centre for the Konrad repository. It is centrally and conveniently located in the pedestrian area of Salzgitter-Lebenstedt. As well as housing an exhibition about the Konrad repository, the centre also offers regular talks and events. Visiting the information centre is free.

The Konrad information centre provides information on the site’s history and geology, the radioactive waste destined for it, and the construction of the Konrad repository. At the exhibition, visitors can get an initial overview or resolve any questions they may have by consulting the information centre staff.

As well as a “glass gallery”, the exhibition also offers three-dimensional models, videos and animations. Visitors can explore the mine using a VR headset or follow a guided tour on the big screen. Moreover, school classes can use the information centre as an out-of-school learning destination to learn about the final disposal of nuclear waste.

Chemnitzer Str. 27
38226 Salzgitter
Phone: +49 (0) 5341 4016050
E-Mail: info-konrad(at)bge.de
Opening hours
Wednesdays and Thursdays: 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. and by appointment
Mine and construction site
Due to extensive shaft construction work, it is necessary to suspend underground tours (or, in mining terminology, inspections) of the Konrad repository for the general public for a period of several years. During this time, underground visits to the Konrad repository will only be possible in exceptional cases for people with a justified professional or political interest.
Alternatively, we also offer a virtual tour using VR headsets at the Konrad information centre or online so that you can continue to learn about the Konrad repository and its construction. Through panoramic images, the virtual tour of the Konrad repository reveals the status of work in the repository mine. It is also possible to take a surface tour of the construction site.
If the above exception applies to you or you would like to make an appointment for a virtual tour or a surface visit to the construction site, please do not hesitate to contact us at: info-konrad(at)bge.de.