Announcement - site selection procedure
31 August 2017: Invitation to start of site selection procedure on 5 September in Berlin
Events Centre of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science, Markgrafenstrasse 38, 10117 Berlin
With a “look back and ahead”, the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE) will introduce the start of the site selection procedure.
Federal Environment Minister Dr. Barbara Hendricks and members of the Bundestag’s parliamentary groups have enabled the restart of the final repository search.
The BGE is now taking the first step to find a location for the radioactive legacies of the nuclear age. During the event, we want to explore together where we have come from, what we have created and what will follow in the next few months.
The event is public. For organisational reasons, prior registration is required at veranstaltung(at)
from 2pm Welcome- Dr. Barbara Hendricks, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Reactor Safety Greeting
- Ursula Heinen-Esse, Deputy Chair of Directors for the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung Keynote speeches
- Dr. Matthias Miersch, Bundestag member (SPD)
- Steffen Kanitz, Bundestages member (CDU / CSU)
- Sylvia Kotting-Uhl Bundestag member (Bündnis 90 / GREEN PARTY) Introduction of the BGE and the concept for site selection
- Ursula Heinen-Esse, Deputy Chair of Directors for the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung Introduction of the BfE
Wolfram König, President of the Federal Ministry for the safety of nuclear waste management Introduction of the NBG
- Prof. Dr. Klaus Töpfer, Chair of the National Monitoring Committee from 4pm Reception

In Deutschland sucht die BGE den Standort mit der bestmöglichen Sicherheit für ein Endlager für hochradioaktive Abfälle.
Final repository search in Germany
Links on the topic
- Overview of all BGE events
- Overview of all reports and press releases from the BGE