Press office

To receive our press releases by email, please send your contact information to presse(at) We will also inform you about press conferences and our events.

Monika Hotopp - Spokesperson

Press office
Eschenstraße 55
31224 Peine

E-Mail: monika.hotopp(at) 

© Anke Jacob

Sven Petersen - Spokesperson

Press office
Eschenstraße 55
31224 Peine

E-Mail: sven.petersen(at)



Dagmar Dehmer – Manager of Corporate Communication

Berlin Office
Kurfürstendamm 170
10707 Berlin 

E-Mail: dagmar.dehmer(at) 

© Anke Jacob

Press releases

The different host rocks for the repository for high-level radioactive waste: claystone, rock salt and crystalline rock
Endlagersuche - 08.04.2024

BGE sets temperature limit for waste containers in repository search

The temperature of the containers should not exceed 150°C in rock salt or 100°C in the case of claystone and crystalline rock

Foto von Jan-Niclas Gesenhues
BGE - 25.03.2024

New chairman of BGE Supervisory Board

Dr Jan-Niclas Gesenhues has led the Supervisory Board since March 2024

Endlager Konrad - 19.12.2023

“The BGE is building a safe repository”

Environment Minister Christian Meyer rejects the applications, submitted by two environmental associations, for the withdrawal or revocation of the planning approval decision for the Konrad repository from 2002.

Endlager Konrad - 13.12.2023

Konrad repository will make do without a logistics centre

Following the discontinuation of the logistics centre project, the task is now to draw up decentralised delivery concepts in greater detail.

gezeichnete Fässer mit Atommüll und einem gezeichneten Schild, auf dem steht: „Das strahlt ja ewig! Schulwettbewerb zur Endlagerung“
Endlagersuche - 29.11.2023

BGE launches school competition: "It radiates forever!"

Attention teachers in grades 9 to 13: The BGE is launching a nationwide school competition on the topic of final storage with free teaching materials and webinars.
