Press office

To receive our press releases by email, please send your contact information to presse(at) We will also inform you about press conferences and our events.

Monika Hotopp - Spokesperson

Press office
Eschenstraße 55
31224 Peine

E-Mail: monika.hotopp(at) 

© Anke Jacob

Sven Petersen - Spokesperson

Press office
Eschenstraße 55
31224 Peine

E-Mail: sven.petersen(at)



Dagmar Dehmer – Manager of Corporate Communication

Berlin Office
Kurfürstendamm 170
10707 Berlin 

E-Mail: dagmar.dehmer(at) 

© Anke Jacob

Press releases

Map that shows the reasearch region
Endlagersuche - 12.06.2023

“GeoMetEr” research project: BGE designates second research region

Plans for 2D seismic survey and measurements from the air.

Asse - 05.05.2023

New exploratory borehole in the Asse mine

Emplacement chamber 12 to be investigated from May onwards

Eine grüne Wiese, am Horizont sind ein paar Bäume zu sehen
Asse - 31.03.2023

BGE publishes geotechnical report for the Asse mine

The Kuhlager site is fundamentally suitable

Foto eines winterlichen Sonnenaufgangs, fotografiert durch die Speichen eines großen Metallrads.
Asse - 14.03.2023

BGE presents a report on the development of a concept for characterising waste from the Asse mine

The BGE is publishing the final report on the “Development of a concept for characterising the radioactive waste to be retrieved from the Asse II mine”.


“GeoMetEr” research project begins

The research project is being launched in mid-March 2023 in collaboration with a project group led by the Freiberg University of Mining and Technology.
