Das Bild zeigt den Bohrplatz zur Erkundungsbohrung Remlingen 18. In der Mitte des Bildes befindet sich ein orangefarbener Bohrturm, umgeben von mehreren blauen Containern. Diese stehen, inmitten eines grünen Waldes, auf einer flach asphaltierten Fläche. Im Hintergrund ist blauer Himmel.
Asse - 17.10.2023

Drilling work begins on Remlingen 18 exploratory borehole

A new shaft has to be built to recover the radioactive waste. The drilling serves to confirm the suitability of the site and to lay the foundation for planning.

Endlager Konrad - 13.12.2023

Konrad repository will make do without a logistics centre

Following the discontinuation of the logistics centre project, the task is now to draw up decentralised delivery concepts in greater detail.

Endlagersuche - 10.11.2023

Second Forum Endlagersuche held in Halle

The Forum Endlagersuche is the central forum for discussion on the selection of sites for the repository for high-level radioactive waste in Germany. On 17. and On 18 November, two themes are in focus.

BGE - 15.08.2023

First step towards closing the Gorleben mine

BGE awards contract for renaturation of salt heap and backfilling of mine cavities.

BGE - 10.08.2023

BGE Management Board completed with two experienced experts

Iris Graffunder and Marlis Koop become new managing directors of the Bundesgesellschaft für Endlagerung mbH (BGE).
